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AI: The Key Ingredient in Cybersecurity

Security is top priority for any new enterprise project. Organizations must explore how AI can help protect against all kinds of threats

Speakers : Ronald van Loon , Tony Franklin

1 Lectures | 0 Hours 7 Minutes | 1 Videos | Attendees: 9

With the increase of devices, and data and analytics everywhere, businesses face growing security threats at the edge, cloud, and data center. 

  • Learn about security frameworks to protect, detect and correct against threats and mitigations. 
  • Discover why a multilayered security approach is critical for foundational and platform integrity.
  • Understand the new emphasis on AI to secure data, models and systems to create a sustainable cybersecurity solution for the future.

CEO and Principal Analyst at Intelligent World, holds over 20 years of AI and data analytics expertise. He's a top 10 global leader and recipient of 200+ industry awards.
1824 Attendees
79 Video series & Videos
CEO and Principal Analyst at Intelligent World, holds over 20 years of AI and data analytics expertise. He's a top 10 global leader and recipient of 200+ industry awards.
General Manager at Intel Corporation
9 Attendees
1 Video series & Videos
General Manager at Intel Corporation

13 days 2 hours left for free!

Categories covered:

AI [Topic]

Cloud [Topic]

Cyber security [Topic]

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