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From Data Chaos to Data Harmony: A Hands-On Guide for Fortune 2000 Executives

Fortune 2000 executives want to leverage data-driven automation for improved efficiency, optimized workflows, and better decision-making. Learn how to eliminate data chaos that hinders these benefits.

Speaker : Ronald van Loon

1 Lectures | 0 Hours 10 Minutes | 1 Videos | Attendees: 3

Data-driven automation is a huge change to business processes and workflows, and requires a well-managed data ecosystem. Discover what’s needed to ensure success, including:

  • What you need to familiarize yourself with, like data ops, to ensure this solution is a good fit for your organization.
  • What’s required to effectively budget, measure ROI, and eliminate obstacles to adoption.
  • How to source the best personnel, establish effective data standardization and governance frameworks, and manage complex architectures.

CEO and Principal Analyst at Intelligent World, holds over 20 years of AI and data analytics expertise. He's a top 10 global leader and recipient of 200+ industry awards.
1824 Attendees
79 Video series & Videos
CEO and Principal Analyst at Intelligent World, holds over 20 years of AI and data analytics expertise. He's a top 10 global leader and recipient of 200+ industry awards.

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