4 days 8 hours left for free!
Organizations are implementing HR technology people analytics to monitor, analyze and take action on the reasons behind the great resignation to retain their workforce.
Speaker : Dr. Susan Biancani,Dr. Tyrone Smith Jr.,Durrell Robinson,Michelle Deneau11 days 8 hours left for free!
Business leaders want to understand the financial ramifications of digital transformation and cybersecurity risks in the digital era.
Speaker : Scott West,Tom Boltman4 days 8 hours left for free!
Organizations are choosing to move to Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) to enhance flexibility, efficiency, connect from anywhere and respond to digital transformation challenges.
Speaker : Jose Augustin,Ronald van Loon,Shane Kleinert11 days 8 hours left for free!
Companies need to discover the best practices for transitioning to a cloud native real-time analytics environment.
Speaker : Matt Maccaux,Ronald van Loon0 days 8 hours left for free!
Discover how to utilize and standardize data into workforce information and intelligence and optimize it for use cases.
Speaker : Jeff Higgins11 days 8 hours left for free!
Learn why managing third party risk is an essential part of your overall cybersecurity strategy.
Speaker : Evan Tegethoff0 days 8 hours left for free!
The cloud enables companies like Arm to ramp up HPC computing power as needed to innovate faster.
Speaker : Mark Galbraith,Ronald van Loon11 days 8 hours left for free!
Manufacturing environment processes have been drastically altered as a result of the pandemic. A hybrid multi-cloud data management strategy helps organizations ensure business continuity.
Speaker : Matthias Roese,Oliver Schulz0 days 8 hours left for free!
The financial services industry needs the capabilities to be agile, innovate quickly, get ideas to market quickly, enhance security, and improve resilience.
Speaker : Dr. Stephan Schmidt-Tank,Ronald van Loon