5 days 12 hours left for free!
Many companies and business leaders are intimidated by cloud migration. But with the right approach, managing the transition to the cloud is easier than expected.
Speaker : Ronald van Loon5 days 12 hours left for free!
Ransomware attacks are rapidly evolving and present a business continuity problem that can severely disrupt critical supply chain operations.
Speaker : Chris Poulin12 days 12 hours left for free!
Exposure to cyber risk is inevitable in the modern business world, but building and maintaining a robust cybersecurity program is highly challenging.
Speaker : Nuno Almeida Silva,Scott West12 days 12 hours left for free!
Many companies don’t understand cyber risk and need a comprehensive solution to analyze and measure their organization’s financial exposure.
Speaker : Alfonso Hermosillo12 days 12 hours left for free!
The Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA) is being carried out by the EU to harmonize information and communications technology ICT risk requirements across Europe.
Speaker : Nuno Almeida Silva5 days 12 hours left for free!
Many organizations think cloud and cloud-based migration costs outweigh the advantages. But Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) cloud capabilities offer numerous cost savings and support future business needs.
Speaker : Ronald van Loon12 days 12 hours left for free!
SMBs need to optimize their data and workflows and develop a data strategy to manage their data, secure it, and virtualize it.
Speaker : Ronald van Loon,Thomas Harrer12 days 12 hours left for free!
Many organizations think on-premises security is best. But Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) offloads numerous cybersecurity management responsibilities and provides business resiliency for the future.
Speaker : Ronald van Loon5 days 12 hours left for free!
Businesses are using flash storage to securely manage data and reduce the complexities of IT landscapes.
Speaker : Ronald van Loon