1 days 13 hours left for free!
Organizations can get a lot of value analyzing the people and processes that help them build new strategies and capabilities for the future of work.
Speaker : Alec Levenson1 days 13 hours left for free!
Companies of all shapes and sizes are using machine learning across industries. They need the capabilities to improve machine learning workflows and overcome challenges.
Speaker : Julien Simon,Ronald van Loon14 days 13 hours left for free!
Approximately 25% of organizations are delivering an ROI on their investments. This is the Digital ROI Gap. Organizations must close this gap to survive.
Speaker : Philip Carter,Ronald van Loon12 days 13 hours left for free!
Technology policies and consumer behaviors are impacting the market, effecting how manufacturers build and test autonomous vehicles and ensure their safety.
Speaker : Andy Longworth1 days 13 hours left for free!
Retailers face fraud threats that traditional fraud prevention methods can’t combat. Learn how one retailer used AI-driven fraud prevention to stop fraud at 50 locations.
Speaker : Fuad Habba5 days 13 hours left for free!
Key data and analytics shifts are occurring. Companies must understand why these shifts are happening and what data and analytics technologies are driving this change.
Speaker : Matt Maccaux,Ronald van Loon12 days 13 hours left for free!
IoT and AI solutions can improve overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) using predictive maintenance and condition monitoring.
Speaker : Viviane Schmidt14 days 13 hours left for free!
Data is generated everywhere. Businesses have more data than ever and must consider how to move that data in the edge and cloud.
Speaker : Ronald van Loon,Ted Dunning0 days 13 hours left for free!
Discover how AI transforms PR, communication & influencer marketing in large tech firms, unlocking powerful branding strategies.
Speaker : Ronald van Loon