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13 days 2 hours left for free!

AI Solutions and Data Science support for Fraud Detection

Fraud losses are at a record-breaking level and will only get worse. AI and data science powered fraud detection and prevention is the answer.

Speaker : Fuad Habba
0h 4min
Posted : 1 year ago

9 days 2 hours left for free!


Top 10 IT Certifications 2022

Discover what the best IT certifications are in 2022 that can help you generate 5% to 10% more income in your career.

Speaker : Data Science Instructor
0h 20min
Posted : 2 years ago

14 days 2 hours left for free!

Improving App Performance with Virtualization

People working from home want to get their work done without solutions getting in their way. Applications should work quickly and seamlessly across work environments.

Speaker : Ronald van Loon,Thomas Berger
0h 6min
Posted : 2 years ago

13 days 2 hours left for free!

Process and Product Innovation for Manufacturing

Manufacturing must respond to rapidly changing market dynamics via the continuous digital innovation of processes and products.

Speaker : Stefanie Naujoks
0h 9min
Posted : 2 years ago

13 days 2 hours left for free!


The State of Supply Chain Industry 4.0

Supply chain and manufacturing have been heavily disrupted from the pandemic. Businesses are using technologies like cloud, AI, and analytics to prepare for the future.

Speaker : Ronald van Loon,Tom Raftery
0h 29min
Posted : 2 years ago

9 days 2 hours left for free!

AI-Powered Fraud Detection & Prevention in Retail

Retailers face fraud threats that traditional fraud prevention methods can’t combat. Learn how one retailer used AI-driven fraud prevention to stop fraud at 50 locations.

Speaker : Fuad Habba
0h 5min
Posted : 1 year ago

6 days 2 hours left for free!


Cyber Risk Financial Quantification

Business leaders want to understand the financial ramifications of digital transformation and cybersecurity risks in the digital era.

Speaker : Scott West,Tom Boltman
0h 27min
Posted : 2 years ago

6 days 2 hours left for free!


Security Strategy: Managing Third Party Risk

Learn why managing third party risk is an essential part of your overall cybersecurity strategy.

Speaker : Evan Tegethoff
0h 44min
Posted : 2 years ago

13 days 2 hours left for free!

AI: The Key Ingredient in Cybersecurity

Security is top priority for any new enterprise project. Organizations must explore how AI can help protect against all kinds of threats

Speaker : Ronald van Loon,Tony Franklin
0h 7min
Posted : 2 years ago