4 days 8 hours left for free!
Data scientists need to learn how to take a business problem and apply methodologies, algorithms, business domain knowledge, and creativity to extract insights from data.
Speaker : Data Science Instructor0 days 8 hours left for free!
Take a quick look into artificial intelligence in 5 minutes at an introductory level, with easy to understand illustrations and visual aids.
Speaker : Data Science Instructor11 days 8 hours left for free!
AI adoption is a rewarding yet complex journey for Fortune 1000 companies. Discover how to cultivate trust, ensure impactful results, optimize your investments, and clear away misconceptions around AI. Dive in to unlock the true potential of AI for your b
Speaker : Ronald van Loon4 days 8 hours left for free!
What Steps Can B2B Organizations Take to Become Data Driven? There is really no industry left untouched by data analytics.
Speaker : Joe DosSantos,Ronald van Loon4 days 8 hours left for free!
Supply chain environments have been disrupted. Organizations are redefining supply chain infrastructures in the cloud using a single configurable platform.
Speaker : Rick Jewell4 days 8 hours left for free!
Sustainability is a requirement that’s linked to business customers, regulatory environments, and society. Business must reimagine sustainability standards across processes and operations.
Speaker : Jon Chorley4 days 8 hours left for free!
Learn from Innovative Industry Leaders & Experts in an Immersive Digital On-Demand Experience Focused on Addressing Your Ability to Respond to Disruption and Build Operational & Financial Resilience Through a Dynamic Multimedia White Paper.
Speaker : Alexander Ashu,Bill Roy,Lara Ariell,Matthew Trager,Oscar Guerrero,Ronald van Loon,Sheetal Devi4 days 8 hours left for free!
This online workshop helps you learn how to gather, analyze, and understand data for better policy making. Discover why this approach is valuable.
Speaker : Andrew Young,Laura Kirchner Sala4 days 8 hours left for free!
Manufacturing must respond to rapidly changing market dynamics via the continuous digital innovation of processes and products.
Speaker : Stefanie Naujoks